Why Family Nurseries Newport?

Our Ethos
We are invested to ensure each child learns and grows in a safe, fun and positive environment. We aim to give the best start in life, promising the nursery years are filled with exploration, love, and laughter.
We support every child and encourage their individual interests to shine through. We concentrate on their personal development and skills through play. Our children are seen as individuals, therefore the care and education they receive is specific to them.
We are proud that we can offer a home away from home. An environment that is calm, secure and stimulating where family is at the heart of all we do!
Our Curriculum
At Family Nurseries we have devised our own curriculum that entwines with the Early Years Foundation Stage and ensures children make good progress whilst in our care. This is assessed through regular observations and in the moment reflections. We have created a curriculum that is child-centred, with their interests at the heart of how we care and educate them.
And embraces our curriculum motto:
walk, talk, kindness, happiness, community
Our practitioners support development by modelling whilst being engaged in play and create focus points to enhance learning.
The children have small teacher focussed intervention times to embed learning further, these are kept short and interactive and where possible linked further to the interest or topic.

We have devised our curriculum with the intention that the child’s interests are paramount and lead the way in terms of day-to-day planning. However, we also have 3 childhood theories that we utilize throughout our daily practice too:
Hygge, Reggio Emilia, Maria Montessori
Their methods of teaching embed effectively together, ensuring that your children really are receiving amazing care and outstanding education.
Our environment is fully accessible for all children with the focus on the process of learning as opposed to the product. Our practitioners will embed provocations to spark interest and curiosity. All staff are trained on The Leuvan Scale which allows us to measure a child’s ‘emotional well-being’ and ‘involvement’, two vital components of learning, development and progress. This information helps staff plan based on a child’s wellbeing and happiness.
Special Educational Needs And Disabilities (SEND)
Family Nurseries Newport wants to ensure our setting is accessible to all We tailor our care to suit the needs of each individual child regardless of medical or developmental needs. Our staff are experienced and will work alongside you to develop a care plan for your child’s needs. We also work closely with the local authority to provide the best possible care.
Our practitioners are up to date with relevant training on how to support your child should they need it. Practitioners will follow a graduated approach when assessing your child’s individual needs:
Assess, Plan, Do and Review

Please speak with Jo or Jennie, the nursery’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinators (SENDCo), if you have any concerns about your child.
Arrange A Session
At Family Nurseries Newport, we offer a range of settling-in sessions to ensure your child to settles in. This gives you an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.
First Experience
You and your child join us for 1 hour. This session will allow your child to explore their environment but know that you are nearby for reassurance. It will also give your Key Person the time to familiarise themselves you’re your child, their routine and to investigate the room together. During this time, we will complete an ‘All About Me’ to find out their likes, dislikes, background and the family as a whole.
Additional Sessions
We then will offer 1-2 more settling-in sessions. Depending on your child, these will be 1-2 hours long and we ask that you leave your child in our care to see how they are without you nearby. We will always call you should we feel your child is extremely distressed or unsettled and you are able to call us as often as you would like!